Desarrolle el líder que está en usted (Spanish Edition)

Download # Desarrolle el líder que está en usted (Spanish Edition) PDF by * John C. Maxwell eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Desarrolle el líder que está en usted (Spanish Edition) Effective Leadership Explained! Below are key excerpts from the book that I found particularly insightful:1- Leadership is developed, not discovered. The truly born leader will always emerge; but, to stay on top, natural leadership characteristics must be developed. In working with thousands of people desirous of becoming leaders, I have discovered they all fit in one of four categories or levels of leadership: The Leading LeaderThe Learned LeaderThe Latent. Daniel H. Osborne said Thought Pro

Desarrolle el líder que está en usted (Spanish Edition)

Author :
Rating : 4.82 (890 Votes)
Asin : B072TNP9KQ
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 197 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-04-27
Language : English


magazine in 2014. John C. For more information visit JohnMaxwell.. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 24 million books in fifty languages. He is the founder of the John Maxwell Company, the John Maxwell Team, and EQUIP. He can be followed at Twitter/JohnCMaxwell. Maxwell was identified as the most popular leader

Effective Leadership Explained! Below are key excerpts from the book that I found particularly insightful:1- "Leadership is developed, not discovered. The truly "born leader" will always emerge; but, to stay on top, natural leadership characteristics must be developed. In working with thousands of people desirous of becoming leaders, I have discovered they all fit in one of four categories or levels of leadership: The Leading LeaderThe Learned LeaderThe Latent. Daniel H. Osborne said Thought Provoking, Sneaky, Good Material. Developing the Leader Within You by John C. MaxwellTo the point, direct, with questions that probe, inspire introspection, and cause personal identification of strengths, weaknesses, and character. I found myself highlighting good material throughout.The style is inviting, while deceptively hard-hitting. Not necessarily a page turner in the beginning, but it picked up a solid head of steam towards the end.The book feels open-end. I am going through this book with a Church Leadership I am going through this book with a Church Leadership Coach, and we are also using with that leadership coach in our Church. We've found the book helpful on a couple of fronts: The description of the levels of Leadership has helped us as a Church to understand what it takes to build into people, to develop them and help them influence those around them. The ideas surrounding prioritization has really helped because it has forced

Maxwell, author of Developing the Leader Within You. Instead, he elevates leadership to a spiritual act of service: "The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." Maxwell relies on real-life anecdotes, short paragraphs, charts, and numerous lists to make his wisdom accessible. --Gail Hudson. Even the Table of Contents reads like a motivational poster.Maxwell (The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader), who is the founder of INJOY, a Christian-based leadership program, debunks the myth that strong leaders must have big

Desarrolle el líder que está en usted revolucionó la manera en que se forman los líderes y en el proceso vendió más de un millón de ejemplares en inglés. No importa cual es tu entorno, familia, iglesia, empresa, organización sin fines de lucro, los principios que Maxwell comparte influirán positivamente en tu vida y la de quienes te rodean.. Ahora, John Maxwell regresa a su obra clásica para incluir ideas de liderazgo y prácticas que ha aprendido en las décadas subsecuentes a la publicación original de su libro. En esta edición de 25 aniversario revisada y actualizada, John C. Revisado y con dos capítulos totalmente nuevos, esta nueva edición actualiza los principios fundamentales para el liderazgo transformador que Maxwell ha empleado como líder por más de 40 años. Maxwell revela cómo desarrollar la visión, el valor, la influencia y la motivación necesarias para ser líderes exitosos.Hace veinticinco años, John Maxwell publicó el libro que transformó para siempre nuestra forma de pensar ver el liderazgo