Four Futures: Life After Capitalism

Download * Four Futures: Life After Capitalism PDF by * Peter Frase eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Four Futures: Life After Capitalism Highly Recommended according to Yousaf Nishat-Botero. In Four Futures, Peter Frase argues that 21st century Capitalism, haunted by the specters of ecological catastrophe and automation, is in a contradictory dual crisis. Ecological catastrophe generates problems of scarcity, while automation generates the problems/promises of abundance. For Frase, it is the interaction of these two opposed dynamics that make our historical moment full of both promise and danger. We can neither re. Michael Bi

Four Futures: Life After Capitalism

Author :
Rating : 4.58 (606 Votes)
Asin : B071Z8XTPX
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 282 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-03-01
Language : English


"Highly Recommended" according to Yousaf Nishat-Botero. In "Four Futures", Peter Frase argues that 21st century Capitalism, haunted by the specters of ecological catastrophe and automation, is in a contradictory dual crisis. Ecological catastrophe generates problems of scarcity, while automation generates the problems/promises of abundance. For Frase, it is the interaction of these two opposed dynamics that make our historical moment full of both promise and danger. We can neither re. Michael Bindner said to describe what life might look like after capitalism. In Four Futures: Life After Capitalism, Peter Frase uses metaphor from popular culture, for example, Star Trek, to describe what life might look like after capitalism, whether we evolve into each future or have it thrust upon us on two axis: equality v. hierarchy and abundance v. scarcity.Communism is equality and abundance. He does not specify how this will look exactly, but he uses a citizens dividend as a possible route to ge. Abundance or scarcity? - Hierarchy or Equality? I know which I'd pick. Natalie Darmons Nice work, exploring four scenarios for the future, which of course are already present in society just not widely distributed. Compelling, references to different science fiction; distopias and utopias bolster his arguments and make the work very accessible. Its very clear which of the 4 futures makes sense to Peter, and to me so if you are looking for an unbiased view - this isn't it.

A whirlwind tour through science fiction, social theory and the new technologies already shaping our lives, Four Futures is a balance sheet of the socialisms we may reach if a resurgent Left is successful - and the barbarisms we may be consigned to if those movements fail.. Could the current rise of real-life robocops usher in a world that resembles Ender's Game? And sure, communism will bring an end to material scarcities and inequalities of wealth - but there's no guarantee that social hierarchies, governed by an economy of "likes", wouldn't rise to take their place. In Four Futures, Frase imagines how this postcapitalist world might look, deploying the tools of both social science and speculative fiction to explore what communism, rentism, socialism, and exterminism might actually entail. Peter Frase argues that increasing automation and a growing scarcity of resources, thanks to climate change, will bring it all tumbling down