A Girl Named Summer

[Julie Garwood] ☆ A Girl Named Summer ↠ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. A Girl Named Summer Then Summers Grandpa came up with a plan that was just crazy enough to save the day….. Everything was going great—until Ann entered the picture. Now her talent shines brighter than ever in an unforgettable tale about young love meant especially for younger listeners.Summer never meant to lie. How could Summer compete with someone like that?Before she knew it, Summer was boasting to David about her passion for long-distance running. David seemed to like her unconventional Irish fami

A Girl Named Summer

Author :
Rating : 4.34 (561 Votes)
Asin : 1469261618
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 415 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-01-21
Language : English


Julie Garwood is among the most critically acclaimed — and popular — romance authors around, with thirty-six million copies of her books in print. She is the author of numerous New York Times bestsellers, including The Ideal Man, Sizzle, Fire and Ice, Shadow Music, Shadow Dance, and Slow Burn. . She liv

Good And Inspiring The story was quite interesting, and the wisdom the grandfather imparted to the heroine was not only inspiring, but extremely well done. No preaching here; and the way the heroine learned from her grandfather could easily speak to teens trying to learn self confidence. Very well done!U. "JULIE GARWOOD never fails to weave a tale that draws you in." according to HB LEVESQUE. I've read everything Julie Garwood has written and have never been disappointedintrigued to the point of distraction is usually the case. This short story about a young girls first encounter with love was delightful. Garwood's strength is in her ability to paint portraits of wonderful, caring, eclectic families whose members can make you laugh and cry and care enough about them to keep you reading until the last page has been tur. A story about loving yourself before you get in a relationship. To be true to everyone around you and to always tell the truth. Rosey Posey It was the most positive, genuine book I have read. It's about being true to yourself and loving yourself first! I recommend it for the younger crowd before they enter into relationships.

Then Summer's Grandpa came up with a plan that was just crazy enough to save the day….. Everything was going great—until Ann entered the picture. Now her talent shines brighter than ever in an unforgettable tale about young love meant especially for younger listeners.Summer never meant to lie. How could Summer compete with someone like that?Before she knew it, Summer was boasting to David about her passion for long-distance running. David seemed to like her unconventional Irish family, even her eccentric Grandpa. She had been surprised when David began hanging out with her every dayand dizzy with happiness when he kissed her. Julie Garwood’s tales always sparkle with the magic that comes from falling in love. And the flirtatious Ann was already working on David. She just wanted to keep the most perfect guy she ever met interested in her. Summer dreaded the moment when he would discover the truth: she couldn’t run six blocks. She collected boys like trophies. She

The twist here is the dilemma that arises when Summer tries to impress David by overstating her running experience and is found out. With the encouragement of her grandfather, she trains for and competes in a major race even after her romance has soured. By the end of the novel, her ties with her family are reinforced and her relationship with David is secure. Though flawed, this is a respectable entry in a genre that is popular among female teen readers.Mary Ann Carcich, Brooklyn Public Library, NYCopyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. . The plotting is predictable and the dialogue clich?d: Summer's rival bats "her eyelashes furiously." Other characters seem made-to-order, such as Summer's cute three-year-old brother and her eccentric but lovable grandfather. But why quibble? Meaningful values are imparted: Summer learns the impor