Climate Life: Policy, Politicians & Propaganda

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Climate Life: Policy, Politicians & Propaganda

Author :
Rating : 4.34 (923 Votes)
Asin : 1548301310
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 94 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-05-20
Language : English


An excerpt from a 1970’s article on global cooling went as far to mention “…melting the arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers”. Does that sound like a sane solution to you? I’ll let you be the judge… especially since an article in 2014 stated a climate scientist, “correctly predicted back in 2000 that the Earth was entering a cooling phase.” What are we to believe? Within this book you will find over 100 various excerpts from research articles, science journals, magazines, newspapers, and online media sources which will hopefully help you better understand what we are up against. Shortly after starting the process of organizing the articles and quotes for this project I quickly realized this is the type of book the Nazi's, National Socialists, would have chosen to burn during their 1930's book burning campaign. You will also find timely quotes which may shed some light on the political ideology behind the messaging. No one can refute we have only one planet, at some point all water ends up being recycled, and climate

One thing is for certain, I’m not a scientist, a politician, a professor, a racist, a fascist, a socialist, a sexist, a homophobe, a transgenderphobe, or a xenophobe. If you haven’t put two and two together yet Von Knowledge is an alias. I AM Von Knowledge, a 38 year old concerned citizen of the United States of America . About the Author Born: June 1st 2017 City of Birth: None of your business Eye Color: Seriously? Status: Single… not interested in mingling. Why would I use an alias for such an important book such as Climate Life? Personally I do not trust the biased media, socialist anarchists and/or the global elites who say they are for the

One thing is for certain, I’m not a scientist, a politician, a professor, a racist, a fascist, a socialist, a sexist, a homophobe, a transgenderphobe, or a xenophobe. I AM Von Knowledge, a 38 year old concerned citizen of the United States of America . Why would I use an alias for such an important book such as Climate Life? Personally I do not trust the biased media, socialist anarchists and/or the global elites who say they