Edge of Apocalypse (End Series, The)

Read [Tim LaHaye, Craig Parshall Book] ! Edge of Apocalypse (End Series, The) Online ! PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Edge of Apocalypse (End Series, The) Even as Jordan hopes to secure America against a brazen array of new enemies, he finds himself trapped between international as well as domestic assailants. Global forces conspire to steal the defense weapon even as U.S. Joshua Jordan, former U.S. As world events begin setting the stage for the end of days foretold in Revelation, Jordan must consider not only the biblical prophecies preached by his wifes pastor, but the personal price he must pay if he is to save the nation he loves.. The End

Edge of Apocalypse (End Series, The)

Author :
Rating : 4.57 (556 Votes)
Asin : B007R9243S
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 237 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-10-16
Language : English


Even as Jordan hopes to secure America against a brazen array of new enemies, he finds himself trapped between international as well as domestic assailants. Global forces conspire to steal the defense weapon even as U.S. Joshua Jordan, former U.S. As world events begin setting the stage for the 'end of days' foretold in Revelation, Jordan must consider not only the biblical prophecies preached by his wife's pastor, but the personal price he must pay if he is to save the nation he loves.. The End Series by New York Times bestselling author Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall is an epic thrill ride ripped from today's

SPANISH BIO: Tim LaHaye es un autor bestseller en la lista del New York Times con mas de setenta libros de no ficcion, muchos de ellos acerca de profecias y el fin de los tiempos, y es el coautor de la serie Left Behind con ventas record. Visite TimLaHayeCraig Parshall serves as senior vice-president and general counsel for the

Can't wait for the sequel Kindle Customer Great story. It intrigued me when the synopsis said the hero was a reconnaissance pilot. Not much of that going on in the story but a great premise anyway. I will definitely get the sequel. The authors were able to write an exciting thriller story with a good clean dialog. All the normal four letter words in these kinds of novels were missing. It wasn't preachy either. My only little tiny annoyance is there were so many people I sometimes couldn't remember who was who.. "Really Needs an Editor" according to Michael Gallagher. I really tried to like this book, but had to quit at the 17% mark as not many things made sense. The scenes were jumbled and really didn’t connect, which is surprising as I’ve read other books by LaHaye and enjoyed them. This one had a lot of potential based on the description, but the writing just wasn’t very good and this one needs a good editor to help hook the reader much earlier vs. slogging through it. I would give this one a wide pass.. "Okay" according to mony. I didn't like the first half of this book at all. It was scattered around so much and too many characters were thrown at you. It took me almost 2 months to get through it. I finally made it past the first half and it got.more interesting. Finished the 2nd half in no time. I'll give the next book a try to see if this series is worth pursuing.

From the Back Cover Edge of Apocalypse pulls you into an adrenaline-fueled political thriller laced with End Times prophecy. Joshua Jordan, former U.S. . government leaders will do anything to stop the nation's impending economic catastrophe---including selling-out Jordan and his weapon. Set in the near future, Edge of Apocalypse chronicles the beginning of The End---the earth-shattering events leading up to the Apocalypse foretold in Revelation. Global forces conspire to steal the defense weapon even as U.S. As world events begin setting the stage for the '