* Read ^ NPCs by Drew Hayes Ï eBook or Kindle ePUB. NPCs Armed only with salvaged equipment, second-hand knowledge, and a secret that could get them killed, it will take all manner of miracles if they hope to pull off their charade. What happens when the haggling is done and the shops are closed? When the quest has been given, the steeds saddled, and the adventurers are off to their next encounter? They keep the world running, the food cooked, and the horses shoed, yet what adventurer has ever spared a thought or concern for the Non-Player Characters?


Author :
Rating : 4.56 (683 Votes)
Asin : B00NHXX342
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 139 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-10-27
Language : English


Armed only with salvaged equipment, second-hand knowledge, and a secret that could get them killed, it will take all manner of miracles if they hope to pull off their charade. What happens when the haggling is done and the shops are closed? When the quest has been given, the steeds saddled, and the adventurers are off to their next encounter? They keep the world running, the food cooked, and the horses shoed, yet what adventurer has ever spared a thought or concern for the Non-Player Characters?In the town of Maplebark, four such NPCs settle in for a night of actively ignoring the adventurers drinking in the tavern when things go quickly and fatally awry. Once the dust settles, these four find themselves faced with an impossible choice: pretend to be adventurers undertaking a task of near-certain death or see their town and loved ones destroyed. And even if they succeed, the deadliest part

Do you like or dislike Role Playing Games? Then this is for you! Purple Griffon I read everything else that Hayes wrote before attempting this one - which is the first in a series whose premise is: What do the background characters do in role playing games when they are not interacting with the people (From our world) who go there as adventurers? Turns out that they are just people, even the ogres and goblins, who have real lives, jobs, and don't really understand what is ha. Stephen Edge said Simply said this is a fun read. I very much enjoyed this book and its accompanying sequels. It is worth both your money and your time.The story follows a group of NPCs who are faced with the choice of "Stand by as the Mad King destroys their village and the certain death that will follow" or "pretend to be adventurers and only probably die in the process". The book not only follows all of the typical roleplaying tropes but also. Torah Cottrill said A fun, light read if you know what NPCs are. I'm betting that Drew Hayes is a big Terry Pratchett fan as well as a tabletop gamer, because this indie book shouts both things pretty loudly. I love the premise: When an adventuring party is killed on the way to a quest, the NPCs in the tavern have to pretend to be the adventurers in order to save their village.If you're a d"A fun, light read if you know what NPCs are" according to Torah Cottrill. I'm betting that Drew Hayes is a big Terry Pratchett fan as well as a tabletop gamer, because this indie book shouts both things pretty loudly. I love the premise: When an adventuring party is killed on the way to a quest, the NPCs in the tavern have to pretend to be the adventurers in order to save their village.If you're a d20 gamer, you'll find this book as funny and off-kilter as I did, and y. 0 gamer, you'll find this book as funny and off-kilter as I did, and y