Sweet 18

Read [Emmanuel D. Fouquet Book] ! Sweet 18 Online * PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Sweet 18 He left the Savoy Alps in 1991 and traveled to Paris, coming under the wing of Christian Chauveau. Enjoy the magic of his pictures!. Thus began a meteoric career, and today his photos grace the covers of Penthouse, Hustler, Private, and other magazines, including many erotic calendars currently circulating in Europe. Until, that is, he took the plunge and decided to go to America. Emmanuel Fouquet wanted to learn a profession in which being surrounded by beautiful women

Sweet 18

Author :
Rating : 4.82 (651 Votes)
Asin : 3037666242
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 128 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-10-02
Language : German, English


He left the Savoy Alps in 1991 and traveled to Paris, coming under the wing of Christian Chauveau. Enjoy the magic of his pictures!. Thus began a meteoric career, and today his photos grace the covers of Penthouse, Hustler, Private, and other magazines, including many erotic calendars currently circulating in Europe. Until, that is, he took the plunge and decided to go to America. Emmanuel Fouquet wanted to learn a profession in which being surrounded by beautiful women is part and parcel of the job. Prompted by an invitation from renowned Penthouse photographer Hank Londoner, he soon got to know others in his profession. Emmanuel's first assignments were tough, low-paid jobs, which came his way via various model agencies. He also acted as an agent for Londoner, for Suze Randall and Vivian Thomas as well. He used the sessions to watch and learn how the artists worked.

"Five Stars" according to bigD. Beautiful. young women Nice photos. Each subject is photographed in various positions in different locations and circumstance.. Carlton said Sweet beauty. So very fine, the Author Emmanuel Fouquet truly did an exquisite job on this fine book, The models are Truly Stunning Gorgeous. Its totally amazing how one can fined so much Beauty on one page, or in a photo. This is a well nicely done book. Its Hardcover which makes it all the better. Beauty just being so Beautiful