Gideon: The Sound and the Glory

# Gideon: The Sound and the Glory È PDF Download by # Joseph Ganci eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Gideon: The Sound and the Glory Insightful Re-telling of an Old Testament Epic Tale R.Dale Jeffery (LDS author) Joseph Ganci takes a story that is recounted through just a few select chapters in the Old Testament book of Judges and creates a beautiful, strikingly visual novelization. In this book the author shows himself in as a researcher, a Biblical word-scholar, and a master narrator.This book takes on the life, cultures, times and events of more than three thousand years ago and makes it seem that they happened just last w

Gideon: The Sound and the Glory

Author :
Rating : 4.64 (841 Votes)
Asin : B072MQR41G
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 119 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-01-23
Language : English


The commandment to conquer the Midian Empire as one man seems all but impossible. The fierce warriors, burning towers, and devastated cities are but silver threads that weave into a sweeping tapestry of ancient intrigue. Unsung heroes and murderous villains, hidden forever in ancient shadows, now leap to life. He does not know why or how and shrinks from this dangerous mission. But Gideon's confidence grows as God guides his every step until he stands fearless and faithfully fulfills his destiny as a mighty man of valor. Running through and stitching together the entire saga is The Lord of the Covenant, or The Baal-Berith, also known as Gideon's mysterious Ephod of Gold.. Gideon, a lowly woodcutter, is blessed by an angel to be the savior of all Israel

Insightful Re-telling of an Old Testament Epic Tale R.Dale Jeffery (LDS author) Joseph Ganci takes a story that is recounted through just a few select chapters in the Old Testament book of Judges and creates a beautiful, strikingly visual novelization. In this book the author shows himself in as a researcher, a Biblical word-scholar, and a master narrator.This book takes on the life, cultures, times and events of more than three thousand years ago and makes it seem that they happened just last week. The many Biblical passages and events -- from the Battle of Mr. Tabor to the angelic visitation at the Grove of Josiah to the destruction of the Midianites to the creation and preservation of the Golden Ephod -- have be. Great Biblical/Historical Novel J. Griffin I enjoyed the book very much. Joseph Ganci has brought to life an old testament story. What is only a couple of chapters the Book of Judges, becomes a novel of over 350 pages. The characters in the novel come to life with all the emotions, feelings, and anxieties of real life beings. The pages are full of intrigue, romance, deceit, murder, honor, betrayal, prophesy, war; all the makings of a first class epic thriller.. Good elaboration of biblical verses This is a very interesting elaboration of sections of the Bible. I enjoyed it very much but it was a little difficult to get started into the book. As my interest was tweaked, I really got into the stories and was surprised when I finished the book.