How To Find Your Passion And Purpose: Four Easy Steps to Discover A Job You Want And Live the Life You Love

Read [Cassandra Gaisford Book] * How To Find Your Passion And Purpose: Four Easy Steps to Discover A Job You Want And Live the Life You Love Online * PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. How To Find Your Passion And Purpose: Four Easy Steps to Discover A Job You Want And Live the Life You Love Focus Your Energy and Time to Achieve Outstanding Personal and Professional Results With Absolute Certainty and Excitement.What if you could increase your success, health and happiness with a few simple steps? How would your life be different if you had more energy, motivation, confidence and self-belief? What if you could hit your business, personal and financial targets easily? Imagine waking up every morning looking forward to your day, working and living with purpose, passion and profit.

How To Find Your Passion And Purpose: Four Easy Steps to Discover A Job You Want And Live the Life You Love

Author :
Rating : 4.56 (702 Votes)
Asin : B01ABQB8G2
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 204 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-02-19
Language : English


 Cassandra challenges us to "Dare to Dream!" Take the time and make the effort to find the work you feel passionate about; You could read this in less than two hours and be on your way to sculpting out a new way of living if you're not living your passionate lifestyle yet. Scott.B. Allan, Author of #1 bestseller Empower Your Thoughts . This little book on a BIG topic that resonates with me packs a lot of wisdom that is worth investing time in

Focus Your Energy and Time to Achieve Outstanding Personal and Professional Results With Absolute Certainty and Excitement.What if you could increase your success, health and happiness with a few simple steps? How would your life be different if you had more energy, motivation, confidence and self-belief? What if you could hit your business, personal and financial targets easily? Imagine waking up every morning looking forward to your day, working and living with purpose, passion and profit. bestselling author of Mid-Life Career Rescue, and award-winning artist, Cassandra Gaisford provides simple but powerful and easy to implement ways to find your passion and purpose

A great guide for those looking to re-evaluate their life priorities or transition to a new life. Sia M. It's a funny thing in a world of choices we actually experience less happiness than we would expect. Choices don't make us happier, they actually make us more stressed out. This is commonly called the "paradox of choice" and we are living in the era of choice. Consequently, finding your passion becomes harder and harder when there are million thing that we could potentially be passionate about.Cassandra breaks down that process into a series of steps and becomes a "virtual coach". This book is a journey into finding your passion that won't provide it for you, but rather help you discover it by yourself.Written in an easily acce. Discover A Life of Passion The one main thing I always wished for my children was passion: passion in everything they did. This author validates my belief that if you have passion in what you are doing, you will find the job you love, and also live the life you love. I think the book is right on target. Ms Gaisford does say that it will not happen instantly, but by following her advice in the book, it will happen. But, she says, be prepared bacause pursuing passion can result in a greater commitment, harder work, and even more sacrifice.This is a must read for anyone who is bored with his/her life and aches for the type of change that makes him/her enjoy. Pay your bills at a job you love! Work with passion and still pay the bills-really? The author truly believes so and after reading her book I find myself believing too. It is a really quick read and I love the many quotes in it. My favourite-Passion cannot be forced. She broaches interesting ideas like using your anger to benefit others and bring positive changes. There is a passion workbook you can also download to help you along the way. Don't let your fears hold you back. If you want to find your passion and purpose then grab yourself a copy of this book now!