Lee 'Scratch' Perry: Kiss Me Neck: The Scratch Story in Words, Pictures and Records

[Jeremy Collingwood] ↠ Lee Scratch Perry: Kiss Me Neck: The Scratch Story in Words, Pictures and Records ☆ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Lee Scratch Perry: Kiss Me Neck: The Scratch Story in Words, Pictures and Records ALL OF PERRYS KNOWN RECORDING WORK IN ONE BOOK Large format soft cover book. The author, Jeremy Collingwood, has done an incredible amount of research in compiling this information. There are many (b&w) photographs, newspaper advertisements, articles, and record label reproductions throughout the book.In a nutshell-if youre looking for an in depth look at Lee Perry and Jamaican music, youre best bet is People Funny Boy: The Genius of Lee Scratch Perry, by David Katz. Kiss Me Neck is a (

Lee 'Scratch' Perry: Kiss Me Neck: The Scratch Story in Words, Pictures and Records

Author :
Rating : 4.26 (744 Votes)
Asin : 1901447960
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 306 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-07-14
Language : English


ALL OF PERRY'S KNOWN RECORDING WORK IN ONE BOOK Large format soft cover book. The author, Jeremy Collingwood, has done an incredible amount of research in compiling this information. There are many (b&w) photographs, newspaper advertisements, articles, and record label reproductions throughout the book.In a nutshell-if you're looking for an in depth look at Lee Perry and Jamaican music, you're best bet is "People Funny Boy: The Genius of Lee "Scratch" Perry", by David Katz. "Kiss Me Neck" is a (much needed) complete discography of all the known work by Lee "Scratch" Perry. With a concise (approximately 50 pages) biography to give readers a foundation on who Perry was-most of the i

Instantly recognizable, both in appearance and musical approach, he has become a legend in his own lifetime and earned himself an international army of admirers. Perry is a classic maverick who helped create today's musical landscape by pushing himself, and studio technology, to the point of destruction.. An incredible, meticulous reference documenting the massive musical output by the pioneering reggae legend, inventor of dub, and Marley collaborator who Keith Richards calls "the Salvador Dalí of music" With more than 1,000 releases to Lee "Scratch" Perry's name in some form or other, there is a wealth of material for fans and collectors to immerse themselves in, and here is the essential reference—an extensive, detailed, heavily illustrated guide to the records produced by Perry and those that hailed from his legendary Black Ark Studio. Innovator,