Mass Effect™ Andromeda: Nexus Uprising

Read [Jason M. Hough, K. C. Alexander Book] * Mass Effect™ Andromeda: Nexus Uprising Online ^ PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Mass Effect™ Andromeda: Nexus Uprising When finally they awake, their dreams of peace are shattered. The Nexus is the core from which the colonists will explore their new home. These colonists - turian, salarian, asari, human, and more - face an uncharted galaxy and threats beyond understanding. Yet even before the arks arrive, the massive space station sustains critical damage. The entire mission is placed in jeopardy, and security director Sloane Kelly must reassert order while racing to identify the nature of the threat that faces

Mass Effect™ Andromeda: Nexus Uprising

Author :
Rating : 4.86 (829 Votes)
Asin : B06XK2MWN8
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 282 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-09-10
Language : English


It's ok, but didn't really add much memorable to the overall storyline Citizen7 I didn't dislike the book; however, it didn't really do anything for me either. I agree. This should've been a side story in comic form because it basically focused solely on Sloane Kelly. Novels are usually used for the backstory concerning the overall story as a whole and not just one character, especially one that isn't even a main character in the game. The previous Mass Effect novels built up the story that led right into the first Mass Effect, with the others filling in the stories between games. This really didn't do much to set up Andromeda, in my opinion. It just explains what happened to the Nexus and Sloane . Jubilant said Seeing the events unfold and progressively get worse and worse was involving. A tie in to the game Mass Effect: Andromeda, this book acts as a sort of prequelAt it's core, the story was very interesting. Seeing the events unfold and progressively get worse and worse was involving. At times I found it hard to follow, and had to retrace because it suddenly jumped.It wasn't a bad read at all, but it'll probably be a bit of time before I pick it up again. If you're a fan of the mass effect universe and interested in reading more on the backstory of Mass Effect: Andromeda, this it's a solid read. Jensunami said Good story, prequel to the game. I read this after playing the game. I kind of wish this was the start to Andromeda instead of the video game. The story is gripping and told in a way that made me care or hate characters that weren't that developed in game play. I recommend it for any fan of the Mass Effect series like myself.

When finally they awake, their dreams of peace are shattered. The Nexus is the core from which the colonists will explore their new home. These colonists - turian, salarian, asari, human, and more - face an uncharted galaxy and threats beyond understanding. Yet even before the arks arrive, the massive space station sustains critical damage. The entire mission is placed in jeopardy, and security director Sloane Kelly must reassert order while racing to identify the nature of the threat that faces them. If she fails, the Andromeda Initiative could crumble.. They slept for hundreds of years, dreaming of a new home in the Andromeda galaxy